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Principal Madam
Faculty of sainik school

~MA (Public Administration) & B.Ed , PGCTE (Assistant Master) was honored with the National Awardfor Teachers, 2011.
~The Indian Education Award 2019 - The award was presented to her at New Delhi on the occasion of the Teacher's Day, by her Excellency, Smriti Zubin Irani is an Indian politician.
~GS Faculty for Army Cadet in KV IMA (Dehradun).
~UPSC(Civil Services) Prelims Qualified
~Grade in NCC C Certificate
~National Player in Judo & Kho-Kho
~Divya Soni, director of Doon Sainik School, is currently the course mentor of 42 brigade HRDC unit of army education Corps Ex-senior Faculty of RIMC. Till end of November 2021 the learned and experienced faculty of Doon Sainik School have been the course mentors of the fore NDA batch in KV IMA.

Divya Madam Read More..

Sainik School Overview

The Sainik Schools Society, a division of the Ministry of Defense, established and oversees the Sainik Schools system of schools in India (MoD). They were developed in 1961 by India’s also- Defense Minister, V.K. Krishna Menon, to address the indigenous & class imbalance in the officer skeleton of the fortified forces and to get scholars ready for admission to the National Defense Academy (NDA) & Indian Naval Academy (INA).

MoD runs Sainik Schools as partnership with the respective state governments. MoD provides annual funding, & serving officers in the important roles such as Principal. The land, infrastructure, & additional teaching and administrative staff are provided by state governments.

The idea for the Sainik Schools came about as a way to provide the brilliant, deserving lads, particularly those from our country’s rural areas, with a top-notch residential educational facility. In order for the students to become responsible citizens of India & leaders in all spheres of life, the education provided in Sainik Schools has an impact on how they develop their social attitudes & meaningful approaches to life in general.

Announcement of AISSEE Sainik School Admission for 2023–2024

On October 21, 2022, the Entrance Announcement for the 2023 All India Sainik Schools was made public. Applicants may apply online before the closing date, which is the final week of November 2022. The All India Sainik School Entrance Test (AISSEE) 2023 will take place on January 8, 2023 (Official Date).

There is good news for those who are looking to be admitted to Sainik Schools for the 2023–2024 academic years. The Sainik Schools Society, which is governed and maintained by the Ministry of Defense, oversees Sainik Schools.

Children serving in the military have priority seating in Sainik Schools, and children of government employees receive discounts. Moreover, Sainik Schools Society admits kids whose parents have no military experience. Students may enroll at Sainik Schools as well.

Important Dates of Sainik School Admission 2023-2024

Sale of Prospectus Cum Application Form21 October 2023
Last Date to Apply Online05 December 2023 (Extended)
Sainik School Exam Centre Display31 December 2023
Issue of Admit CardLast week of December 2023
AISSEE 2023 Exam Date08 January 2024
Result Announcement DateLast week of January 2024*
Medical ExamFebruary 2024
Final Sainik School Admission 2023 Merit ListMarch 2024

Documents Needed for Sainik School Application Form 2023

  • Copy of the SC ST Reserved Category Caste Certificate. 
  • Attested photocopy of birth  instrument with date of birth
  • Certificate of Permanent Residence Domicile from SDO/ADM/DM.
  • For cases involving serving military personnel, a serving certificate from the OC of the unit where the parent is currently serving is required.
  • A copy of the discharge certificate for an ex-serviceman, officially attested by any officer listed in the gazette officer.

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Admission Form for Sainik School for 2023

Both the prospectus and the AISSEE entry form for 2023 are made available online. Students can register for the Sainik school admission form 2023 on the application. Applying online for admission to Sainik School for the class of 2023 is quite simple. The steps that must be completed to finish the Sainik school admissions process in 2023 are mentioned below.

  • Online Sainik School Registration 2023.
  • Upload your signature and photo.
  • Online fee payment.
  • Add documents.
  • A confirmation page can be downloaded.
  • Submit the 2023 Sainik School application. 

Requirements for admission are as follows:

  • For admission to Class VI during the academic year 2023–2024, the candidate’s age as of March 31, 2023, must be between 10 & 12 years old.
  • Class IX admission requirements state that the applicant’s age must be between 13 & 15 as of March 31, 2023. Girls are not allowed to enroll in Class IX.

Entrance to Sainik School for 2023–2024 Qualifying Marks

Students must receive a minimum of 25% in each topic and a minimum of 40% overall in order to pass the Sainik school exams. It is not a certainty that you will be chosen and asked to do the medical exam even if you pass the AISSEE entrance exam. However, there is no minimum score requirement for candidates in the ST and SC category.

Reservations for Sainik School Entrance 2023- 2024 

For 2023 admission to Sainik School, there will be a reservation scheme for several orders. These reservation norms will serve as the base for the final decision.

  • 15 of the available seats are set away for SC campaigners. 
  • 7.5 of the seats are reserved for ST campaigners. 
  • Also, there’s a 67 seat reserve for scholars from their home countries. 
  • The remaining 33 of seats are set away for scholars from other countries and federally honored homes. Unfilled positions in this group will be combined with positions in the home state. 
  • Children of service members, including former soldiers, are eligible for 25 of the seats available. 

The 2023- 2024 Sainik School Syllabus 

  • The Sainik School Society has set the Class 6 and 9 AISSEE 2023 syllabuses. The CBSE Class 5th and Class 8th classes are included in the Sainik School Entrance 2023 examination syllabus for the corresponding AISSEE Class 6th & Class 9th examinations.
  • Scholars must study Mathematics, Language, Science, History, Civics, and Geography as part of the Class 9 class.
  •  The mathematics class for class 6 covers subjects like fragments, numbers, division, addition, and addition of figures. Subjects for English classes include alphabet, tenses, antonyms, and synonyms, among others

FAQs related Sainik School Admission 2023-2024

1. Is Sainik School a good place to study?

One can apply for admission to Sainik School, unquestionably.

2. When the entrance exam performed for Sainik School Admission 2023?

In January, on the first Sunday, an entrance exam will be given. Exam date for AISSEE 2024 is January 8, 2023.

3. What should be the minimum age to enroll in Sainik Schools?

The student’s age must comply with the AISSEE admission standards. Age requirements for admission to classes VI and IX are listed below.

From April 1, 2011, through March 31, 2013, for Class VI students aged 10 to 12.

From 1 April 2008 to 31 March 2010 for Class IX students, ages 13 to 15.

As of March 31, 2023

Top RIMC Boarding School

RIMC or Rashtriya Indian Military College is a reputed public school situated in Doon Valley, Uttarakhand. Dehradun city is known for best schools and RIMC is one among those schools. Doon Sainik School provides best RIMC Coaching in Dehradun to make child future in Defence.RIMC is one of the finest schools in Dehradun in terms of infrastructure, education system and discipline. RIMC came into existence in 1922. RIMC has made various success stories in different fields such as Defence, Ambassador, Governors etc. The primary objective of RIMC is to choose the best candidates for NDA/ NAVAC.

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The Doon sainik school lays stress on sports for the overall physical and mental development of all students.Sports activities like football, Swimming pool, handball, kho-kho, and badminton and PT form an integral part of the school routine. Indoor sports facilities in our hostel consisting of carrom, chess, etc, also exist in the Classes. The school Kingston also has a well-maintained athletic track, football, volleyball, and basketball grounds.Cadets get a chance to participate in various Inter School, Inter Section, District Level Swimming Competition. College has a full Olympic Size Swimming Pool, with a 10 meter Diving platform.

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Day Boarding School

Day boarding school comes under one of the best schools in India. Many students wish to get admission in the school to fulfil their dream of getting success in different fields such as Engineering, Medical, teaching etc. The school offered facilities for a comfortable stay of the students and their peaceful study. It provides a great opportunity for those students who want join Day boarding school Coaching in Dehradun and also help financial help for their studies. The education in day boarding school in Dehradun is free including boarding, uniforms, books & notebooks etc.

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